As you know me by now, this is a way for me to pour my heart out to you, to let you know it's crying and dying because you're gone.
You brought back the light into my life when all I could see was darkness, you brought back the smile to my face when all I could do was frown, but most important, you brought back the love and trust that I had lost for people and you brought it back twice as much for me to give to you than I had previously given before. We shared plenty of moments where we opened up to each other and shared our secrets, our feelings of happiness, sadness, sometimes anger and intimacy. And, we promised each other that no matter what, we would be together because fate had brought us to do so. But now you have decided that it's not what you longer want.
How can this be? Why now? Why now when my heart fully belonged to you? Why now when I was ready to be with you? Why now when I have fallen in love with you?
I find my fate has turned out so cruel; my fate is twisted, always getting my hopes up just to bring them back down again, but each time the pain comes back it's stronger and longer.
Why did you do this to me, when you knew I would have done anything for you, when you knew that all my dreams, wishes and hopes surrounded you, when you knew that not having you in my life would instantly kill my heart? I'm all shattered and everything I see is blue. But I know I can't change your mind and more importantly, I can't change what you feel in your heart, so all I can ask you is, why?
I missing you every single moment.....................
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Thursday, July 9, 2009

And you know whaaaat? We, the girls, are stronger than ever. We play soccer all day long (not that great hm). We practice a lot in a kinda sport center called 'Mega Futsal'. Be alert guys, cause one step more and we will beat you all haha kidding. And these are some photossss (again and again):

Holiday seems no holiday these weeks. Cuma tidur makan tidur makan di rumah doang, paling banter nonton dvd errr. Iya sih pergi, cuma berenang terus nginep rumah tante gua, terus nonton palingan ea. Ohiye, senen kemaren juga ke promnya kelas 3. Gak kerasa banget liburannyaaaaaaaaaaa, bete dyec. Gue mau cerita pas promnya aje kali ya, kayaknya itu yang paling berkesan haha.
Jadi gue disuruh kak Megy ngumpul jam 12 di Crowne Plaza secara tempatnya disitu. Terus, ternyata kata Kak Rara sebenernya kita datengnya jam 3 errrr jadilah tuh kita nunggu 3 jam. Pas akhirnya udah jam 3an gitu, yang penerima tamu disuruh make up sama pake baju. Secara gue sama Diar emang nyampah banget, jadi kita ga pake make up make up-an dan yang lain SEMUANYA make up make up-an hahahaha. Yang nyampah gitu cuma gue, Diar, Tian, sama Eja yang angkatan guenya. Yang laen dapet kostum dan lain lain ck kesenjangan sosial banget.
Jam setengah 5an gitu, semuanya udah selese make up dan lain lain. Mereka entar stand by nya mulai dari jam setengah 6an. Jadi, kita briefing dulu bentaran sama Kak Megy. Tapi, selama itu bajunya Anin belom dateng. Katanya ada sama Kak Ican on the way jadinya Anin belom bisa kemana mana dulu pas itu.
Pas udah jam setengah 6, semuanya langsung stand by di tempat masing masing dan Anin pun masih belom dapet baju. Ternyata oh ternyataaaa, bajunya dia gaada di Kak Ican. Pokokknya ribet ribet gitu, Anin sampe mau dipindah tugaskan gitu gitu akhirnya bajunya ketemu gatau di siapa sekitar jam setengah 8an. Tapi dont worry be happy, acaranya emang ngaret jadi yang harusnya mulai jam setengah 6 jam segitu belom mulai mulai juga.
Acara pun mulai pada akhirnya, guest starnya itu: Take Away, Ecoutez, daaaaaaaaaaaaaan MBAH SURIP! Yes oh yes, that Mbah Surip. Mbah Surip yang itu tuh, yang nyanyi Tak Gendong errrr what a grrrreat guest star gitu gak sih? Terus yang jadi Umi dan Abi (secara temanya Lost in Arabian, jadinya Prom Queen dan Prom Kingnya diganti Umi Abi -,-) itu Kak Renata sama Kak Squid.
It's a hectic day by the way, tapi fun banget kok. Semuanya berjalan lancar banget, thanks buat Kak Megy. Gue yakin kalo gak ada dia, pasti acaranya gak berhasil ckck. And here are some photossss.