A Life Without Loveee ♥
A Sunset without a sun is no sunset at all.
A life without love is no life at all.
A rainbow without colors is no rainbow at all.
And heart without feelings is no human at all.
All these things need something to be,
Either a sun or a person or a crayon,
If only to create what nature said was meant to be.
A sunset makes us feel as though the world has been born again.
A life with love lets us know it's worth to let someone in.
A rainbow with colors thats a moment frozen in time, to be grateful for all that is beautiful and feel all the glory inside.
A heart that has feelings, well that would be me.
For I love just the thought of you and hope you feel the same for me.
Life without our love, is an emptiness I'm not sure I wish to face.
Because I know that time will never be able to erase.
I wish our love was as simple as a sunset, ready to be born again.
But I know in truth love only comes from within.
So I'll keep watching for my sunset, and looking for that rainbow to shine someday.
Then one day maybe our love will find its way again.
Gue juga bingung kenapa disaat puasa puasa gini malah penuh dengan cinta -,- cuma ya cinta itu kan bukan cuma buat seseorang yang suatu hari nanti bakal 'jadian' sama kita. Cinta itu juga buat keluarga, temen, sahabat, dan lain lain. Daaaan, puasa puasa gini kita emang gaboleh mengumbar cinta sama 'pacar' kita atau yang kayak gitu. Cuma, kita harus mengumbar cinta ke keluarga, temen, sahabat, dan lain lain. Soalnyaaaaa, Apa artinya hidup tanpa cinta? Cieeeee
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
Happy Fasting!
Hari ini udah teraweh, kemaren kemaren udah pada maaf maafan, and yep besok udah puasa! Gue udah punya daftar panjang goal gua buat puasa sekarang:
Love yaaa!
- Hatamin Alquran (asik yak haha)
- Solat 5 waktu
- Teraweh ga bolong (padahal hari ini udah ga solat -,-)
- Ga ngegosip (gak mungkin)
- Belajaaaaaaaaar, cie!
Love yaaa!
Friday, August 14, 2009
xi ips b
i loooooove my class, i really do. kelasnya enak banget, kerasa abes apalagi mau 17an kaaan jadi harus ngerjain ini itu blablabla hahaaa. ini foto foto kita ngerjain bambu lalalla, entar foto yang laennya nyusul dah cie.........................

aaaaand, oh yes there is something between Revi &Andraaaaaa ehm ehm

aaaaand, oh yes there is something between Revi &Andraaaaaa ehm ehm
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
I'm single and very happy
Disaat semua orang silih ganti jadian dan putus, gue masih tetap single -,- haha bukan bermaksud mau desperate desperate gitu kok, cuma pengen aje bilang. Kalo bahasanya Akbar: semua org pd fluktuasi, tp kita masih stagnan. Gue awalnya juga ga ngerti, dan ternyata Fluktuasi artinya berubah (maksudnya jadian dan putus) sedangkan Stagnan artinya tetap (jomblouwowoow).
Gue cuma terdiam.
Terdiam lagi.
Terus mikir...............
Kayaknya gue lebih seneng jomblo deh, I'm single and very happy~
Gue cuma terdiam.
Terdiam lagi.
Terus mikir...............
Kayaknya gue lebih seneng jomblo deh, I'm single and very happy~
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