Wednesday, August 31, 2011
I miss you. But you don't seem to miss me back. Why is it always go this way? On and on and on. God, I just need someone who loves me back :'
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Udah post ke4 hari ini :$ Maap ya kan jarang2x gue nge-post xixixi.
I'm afraid of falling in love. Again. Especially falling for you. You are just too far away, we are just not the same. Even if at the end you could love me back, everything won't be right. Because yet again, we are not the same. We are much too far away. I'm afraid of loving you, so please just step back. But I'm afraid of losing you more, so please stay near. Sounds like an egoism, rite? Who cares by the way? I just need God's will these days.
College life is bigger than highschool. I learned much and will learn more. But somehow, this bigger life is just slowly killing me
Just a Feeling
This feeling comes to me lately, rapidly. The feeling of being unwanted. The feeling of always being an option. The feeling of never been loved seriously. The feeling of being lonely. I just need someone who will love me sincerely, who will hug me in the middle of a cold weather, who will kiss me with warmth not lust, who will sing me goodbye till I go to sleep. I just need that, not more or less. I just need it............................... now.
Sometimes all you need is a spare time, you just need to spend some time with yourself. Its not that you hate people, its just that people in one moment is just sooo annoying. You know, I know, we got different heads, different brains, and ofcourse different mindset. Because of that, sometimes in one time it just seems like no one understands you and what they say is just a complete bullshit. Don't take it as I hate people and I prefer to be alone. I just......... stuck in this feeling rite now.
Jadi gimana ya-_- Mungkin karena terlalu dekat, mungkin karena terlalu sering bersama, mungkin karena terlalu saling mengerti dan ingin dimengerti. Gue lagi ngerasa gak nyaman sama 'lo'. Bagi gue, lo terlalu egois. Ini sih makanya gaboleh yang namanya terlalu deket sama orang, kita jadi terlalu tau keburukan dan sisi negatifnya. Dan sekarang, ditambah mood gue yang lagi kalo kata lagu all time low, lo sangat.................... sangat.... mengganggu. Padahal kita seharusnya sangat dekat kan?
Lo terlalu egois menurut gue. Lo gamau mengerti orang lain, sedangkan gue selalu berusaha buat mengerti lo secara khusus. Lo gak peka menurut gue. Mungkin lo sadar gue lagi dalam mood yang gaenak, tapi lo berusaha buat menyangkal itu. Mungkin karena lo ngerasa kita udah sangat dekat sehingga gaada kata buat ngehibur lagi, mungkin ya. Soalnya emang pertemanan kita bukan pertemanan yang unyu yang saling menghibur setiap hari. Pertemanan kita adalah pertemanan yang dilandaskan seru-seruan. Jujur, gue seneng kok sama pertemanan yang kayak gini. Tapi kalo lagi dalam posisi segaenak ini, segak mood ini, terkadang gue cuma pengen dimengerti. Dan sayangnya, lo ga ngerti...... Gue kira lo temen yang baik, tapi mungkin gak sebaik itu juga. Haha mungkin gue yang lebay ya-,- Tapi gimana.... ini bukan pertama kalinya juga gue ngerasain kayak gini._. Gue tau gue gak sepenuhnya benar, tapi gue cuma pengen dibenerin sekali2x.
Kalo di-list kekecewaan gue sama lo, mungkin panjangnya bisa berlembar-lembar. Gak menutup kemungkinan sih itu juga terjadi di sisi lo. Gue mungkin terlihat cuek &bodo amat diluar, tapi gaada yang tau kan di dalemnya gimana? Sebenernya, gue berharap lo bisa mengerti atau setidaknya tau dalemnya gue gimana. Tapi ternyata gak juga tuh hehe. Gue bukan orang yaang mudah mengeluarkan isi hati gue. Malah, kalo di timbang2x, apa yang gue omongin yang bener-bener dari hati gue mungkin cuma pernah 5% kali. Gue pinter bersandiwara. Gue tadinya berharap lo bisa ngeliat dibalik make up tebel gue, tapi nyatanya lo sama aja.
Mungkin ya, emang sifat lo yang begitu. Lo orang yang gak terlalu peduli sama hal-hal yang begitu, lo hanya gamau mengerti. Lo tau gue lagi gak mood, gue bahkan udah bilang gue gasuka diginiin atau digituin, tapi ya lo terusin aja. Mungkin maksutnya bercanda, tapi mungkin gak pada tempatnya.
Mungkin cuma gue yang lagi ga di mood yang baik.
Mungkin cuma gue yang melebihkan masalah.
Mungkin ini salah gue.
Mungkin ya.
Yang pasti gue cuma lagi sedih aja. Dan yang pasti, lo ga mengerti itu :'
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Crazy Little Thing Called Love
You know what?
You are the only reason I wake up every morning
Because, school is the only place where I can see you
Maybe this can answer the question why I skip classes these days
Because now I know that I'm not the reason why you wake up in the morning
I told everyone that I've already get over you
But the real thing is..........
Getting over you is not as easy as it seems
You've gave me a lot of memories to remember
Too much to forget
I like you. Much.
I know that you've gave me a bit of your heart, but its just not enough
I miss you. Much.
I know that you treat me as usual, just like the old days. But its just not enough
You're in love with someone else
And nobody can describes how much it hurts
The scar is deep down inside, till no one can see it
Everybody knows that I'm the queen of pretending
I know you know how I feels
But you seems to pretend that you're innocent
Maybe you try to be polite, but the truth is it just doubled my pain
I know you don't care about my feelings
I know you already have someone to be cared of
I know you are just not in to me
I know.......
I know.....................
But I just cant accept it, I cant believe it, I try to not face it
You gave me too much
Maybe you doesn't realize it
But really, its too much
I don't really understand what it means for you
These months
Its just it, right?
Summer fling? Or maybe no fling at all
Maybe its really you who wants to play
Really, I'm not a game
And you're not a player
You're just stupid
Too stupid to be true
Or maybe I'm the idiot
Who fell in love with a dumbass
Or may be fall, not fell
For now on, Bye!
Maybe 9 years later?
Ha ha ha, its alright to have a dream, right?
-Mellow things after 'Crazy Little Thing Called Love'
You are the only reason I wake up every morning
Because, school is the only place where I can see you
Maybe this can answer the question why I skip classes these days
Because now I know that I'm not the reason why you wake up in the morning
I told everyone that I've already get over you
But the real thing is..........
Getting over you is not as easy as it seems
You've gave me a lot of memories to remember
Too much to forget
I like you. Much.
I know that you've gave me a bit of your heart, but its just not enough
I miss you. Much.
I know that you treat me as usual, just like the old days. But its just not enough
You're in love with someone else
And nobody can describes how much it hurts
The scar is deep down inside, till no one can see it
Everybody knows that I'm the queen of pretending
I know you know how I feels
But you seems to pretend that you're innocent
Maybe you try to be polite, but the truth is it just doubled my pain
I know you don't care about my feelings
I know you already have someone to be cared of
I know you are just not in to me
I know.......
I know.....................
But I just cant accept it, I cant believe it, I try to not face it
You gave me too much
Maybe you doesn't realize it
But really, its too much
I don't really understand what it means for you
These months
Its just it, right?
Summer fling? Or maybe no fling at all
Maybe its really you who wants to play
Really, I'm not a game
And you're not a player
You're just stupid
Too stupid to be true
Or maybe I'm the idiot
Who fell in love with a dumbass
Or may be fall, not fell
For now on, Bye!
Maybe 9 years later?
Ha ha ha, its alright to have a dream, right?
-Mellow things after 'Crazy Little Thing Called Love'
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