Sunday, January 13, 2013

Cry baby cry

I don't know why but every time it comes to you I'll be such a crybaby. Good for you. Good for you.

Thursday, January 10, 2013


Good things are yet to come. Sweet things people say to cheer themselves when they are in the lowest wheel in their life cycle. But unfortunately, sweet things rarely come true.

Book review

Jadi...... Kayak karakter di buku yang aku baca.........

Kamu tuh egois banget, keras kepala, susah dibilangin, suka marah-marah, tempramen. Terus kamu gak romantis, not even close to sweet. Well, you're actually sweet. But in your own way. Malah hal-hal kecil yang bikin kamu sweet, yang malah mungkin gak kamu rencanain. Small things kayak megang rambutku, nyebrangin aku, and that kind of things. Small, but special. At least for me. Teruus kamu kalau ngomong straight to the point, kadang-kadang gapake hati bahkan. Tapi itu jadi bikin aku percaya, kalau setiap omongan kamu itu jujur. When you say it, you mean it. Bukan sekedar sweet talk buat bikin aku happy. And last, kamu bukan cowok yang masih kayak anak kecil, yang masih pengen happy happy, yang masih bandel dan gapunya vision forward. Kamu beda, kamu punya cita-cita sendiri, you're passionate in it, and I know you'll pursue it till the very end. It's +100, seriously. Nah tapi in the same time kamu selalu manja sama aku, which makes me feel needed. Dan emang itu kan yang harus ada dalam suatu relationship, perasaan saling butuh?
