Wednesday, November 12, 2014

To the best Dad ever

To the best Dad ever,

Thank you for letting me dream, even if that is your worst nightmare
Thank you for staying by my side without saying a thing eveytime I failed on something
Thank you for staying up and not being able to sleep whenever I'm not home yet
Thank you for sharing your dreams, and your unrealized dreams 
Thank you for always being positive
Thank you for working so hard to fulfill all your daughters needs and wants
Thank you for trying to be the best Dad and give everything that you have to us
Thank you for all your advice though sometimes I didn't realize that it's for my own good
Thank you for loving me in your own way
Thank you for always putting our interest first before yours
And, thank you for always trusting me, even if I sometimes ended up disappoint you

Sorry for letting you down so many times, purposely or not
Sorry for sometimes feeling mad at you, and feel like you just cant understand
Sorry for keep forgetting that you are getting old, and you also need some concern
Sorry for haven't been able to fulfill your wish
Sorry for breaking my promises, sometimes I just cant sort my priorities well
Sorry for not spending more time with you and just have long talks about life
Sorry for lying to you and do bad things behind you
Sorry for messing up a lot of things that you trusted in me
Sorry for never call or text you, just because contacting Mom is much more convenient
Sorry for not being able yet to be the women you want me to be
Sorry for not being the best daughter in the world, but trust me, I'm trying to be one

Everyone must have their own version of the best Dad in the world, and this funny man is my version of the best dad ever. I love you more than you know, Ayah.

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

To control is to survive

....he was determined to challenge the saint and so he asked him:

"If, tonight, the most beautiful prostitute in the village came in here, would you be able to see her as neither beautiful nor seductive?"
"No, but I would be able to control myself," the saint replied.
"And if I offered you a pile of gold coins to leave your cave in the mountain and come and join us, would you be able to look on that gold and see only pebbles?"
"No, but I would be able to control myself."
"And if you were sought by two brothers, one of whom hated you, and the other who saw you as a saint, would you be able to feel the same towards them both?"
"It would be very hard, but I would be able to control myself sufficiently to treat them both the same."

The stranger did not need Chantal to explain the story. Savin and Ahab had the same instincts -- Good and Evil struggled in both of them, just as they did in every soul on the face of the earth.

It was all a matter of control. And choice.
Nothing more and nothing less.

- Paul Coelho, The Devil and Miss Prym 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

European vs. American: Which one is who?

Today I'm going to talk about how different the guys from Europe and United States dressed. After being here for about two months and living with a bunch of Americans and Europeans, I now could somehow tell the differences between both of them in terms of dressing. Well, maybe some of the things that I'm going to tell is somewhat over-generalizing and stereotyping, because both regions are so big. Well for the Europeans, most of them were actually from the Netherlands and French (Germans and British dressed in a different way); so yeah, I'm pretty much generalizing. But still! You could really tell the differences! So you could or could not believe it, but here you goooo!

Europeans loooove to use patterned t-shirts like this:

I don't know why and I actually always tease them for using this kind of t-shirts. There is one funny story about it actually. So one day, I went to Siam Center with Joris (a Dutch) and Stephanie because Joris wants to search for a new pants. When he went to the fitting room, me and Stephanie just wandering around on the man's section and we saw some patterned shirt like this. Stephanie was laughing and said "The European boys must really love those shirts!" and I completely agree with her. After that, we just go outside the store and wait for Joris to pay for his pants. And when he came, he said "Look! I also got a shirt and a belt!". And I bet you could guess: yes, he got one of those patterned shirt. So it somehow justify my -- our -- judgement!

The next thing that they love to wear is... shorts. Okay, you must be wondering what is so special about shorts? So I know that it's completely normal for guys to wear shorts everywhere, especially in the middle of the warmth of Bangkok, but these European guys didn't wear the 'normal' shorts. They tend to wear a shorter shorts! Sometimes, the shorts could be so short that it only cover half of their thigh.... There you go. The shorts more or less looks like something like this:

One thing that you should know: Americans love baggy pants. Like so much. They will wear it so low that you might think that it doesn't cover their bottom... Well to be honest, not all Americans do this. Because America is a very big country, and every states actually have their own personality. People from California and southern America tends to love this style. BUT STILL, they are everywhere.. But if it is not baggy pants, they usually wear the 'normal' shorts which by normal I mean it covers everything to the knee. And it does feel relieving, that you don't have to worry that something would peeked out.... No.

The other way of how American guys dressed is closely related to simplicity. They usually wear t-shirts and jeans and just it. But for the kind of t-shirts that they use, I will sum it up into two different category. The first one is: pure plain. So I bet they got a lot of plain t-shirts in their drawer in every color. Because they do wear a lot of plain t-shirts with every color. And the next one is: distro t-shirts. I don't know the English name for this kind of t-shirt, but this is the kind of t-shirt that has a big picture in the middle. It is different from the patterned t-shirt, this one is actually looks like a plain t-shirt that you print something on it (just like the bottom right picture). I know you could imagine it! And Americans love it so much. You could see a bunch of Americans buying these lousy t-shirts in Bangkok that says: Chang Beer, Heineken, etc. 

So I think that's pretty much it! If I somehow comes up with another idea, I will surely make a new post (or just edit this one). AdiĆ³s!

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

The only thing that doesn't change in life is change itself.

Changing my ways of describing myself, or in general, the way I describe everything. Does it mean that I changed? Or it simply only means that I change the way I communicate? Well.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Under one moon

I still don't know what sort of world this is. But whatever the world we're in now, I'm sure this is where I will stay. Where we will stay. This world must have its own threats, its own dangers, must be filled with its own type of riddles and contradictions. We may have to travel down many dark paths, leading who knows where. But that's okay. It's not a problem. I'll just have to accept it. I'm not going anywhere. Come what may, this is where we'll remain, in this world with one moon.

- Haruki Murakami, 1Q84