Sunday, July 15, 2012

What else?

It's an hour to midnight, an hour to Monday (but what does Monday mean anyway, when you are in the middle of three months holiday *evil grin*).

I'm here, lying down, in a hurry to thank everyone, especially the Mighty God. It is not that I win some Academy Award or something, it is just life......... has been so good and so nice lately. I'm not going to be cocky and arrogant by that sentence, but what I said... it is true.

Having yourself surrounded by good people, that have a sincere willingness to help you, support you, back you up, is just a big blessing. Yes? And this is what I've got. I have a nice and humble Daddy that always try and try to protect his all daughters, with his very own way. And I too, have a nice and sensitive (in a good way) Mommy that always warn and advice her daughters, with again, her own way. And don't forget to mention all of my sisters that are pleasant, and........ everything, I just can't live without them :')

My life, is a great life (compare or not compare to others). I have a warm family, lovely friends, perfect college life (am only waiting for a perfect boyfriend, tho :'D)

What else should I ask for, when I got all of this with me? What I should do now is to praise the Lord (and this is surely the perfect time for this....) :-)

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