Thursday, August 30, 2012


You broke my heart, as if you could fix it.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012


  • A Scorpio will find it the hardest to share his/her problems and sorrows with anyone.
  • If you play the cold war with a Scorpio, they will play colder and win.
  • Scorpio can be secretive, they only share their deepest feelings & emotions with those they love & trust.
  • Scorpio in combat they set the scene, they can be silent or sarcastic
  • Scorpios are deeply impacted by the things going on around them even if they don’t show it
  • Biggest Pet Peeve for a Scorpio: Superficial people,who lack any real passion and never get straight to the point during an argument.
  • A Scorpio is probably the most talked about sign of the Zodiac. It’s also the most mysterious.
  • One word to describe a Scorpio: Intense
  • Remember Scorpios don't let everyone off the hook as easily as one might think.
  • Scorpios are the type of people you either hate or love when you first meet them.
  • Many Scorpios are good at things which require deep thought and understanding.
  • A Scorpio can wreck havoc on their enemies. They can take you or leave you so don't even think about playing mind games

A Proud Scorpion

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Last day of Ramadhan

Last day of Ramadhan PLUS Ama&Ima's Birthday! Gangerti lagi kenapa ulang tahun mereka berkah gitu pas sama hari terakhir puasa dan malam takbiran. Well, happy birthday sis! Semoga gak annoying lagi, xoxo

Nothing special in this suppose-to-be-special day. But what do you expect, huh?

I think I finally completely get over him, which is good (or not......). But after all, why do we have to waste our time thinking of someone who didn't think about us, rite?

Yeah right, whatever pek, up to you.

Anyway, happy Ied Mubarak! Minal aidin wal faidzin, mohon maaf lahir dan batin. I know I've been a pain in the ass for almost everyone (and well, I don't regret it :p), but still, I'm giving you all my biggest and deepest apologize. Thank your for being who you are, and being the best of it till now.

Oh iya, one more thing! I got a haircut, and weirdly, I'm happy for it. For me, this kind of haircut is superrrrr short. Just take a look ;)


Sunday, August 5, 2012

August 6th, 2012

Why do you have to be so irresistible? Is it possible to hate and love someone all at once at the same time? Yes it is, because that is what I feel to you. You know, it is highly irritating to have someone beside you but you also know that you wouldn't be with him, that you both are just impossible. This is just another teenage love stories I know, what I don't know is...... when will all this shit come to an end? I'm waiting for it nervously, seriously.... *deep breathe* (I take a lot of deep breathe lately......)

What else? You have a life beyond love, don't you? Ha-ha ofcourse.........

So, these weeks will be a supeeer busy week! I already met my mentees several days ago, and yes, it is exciting yet exhausting (okay, I experience a lot of contradicting feelings rite?)! Meeting the newies that totally didn't know a thing about campus life is amaziiiingggg, seeing them struggling and fighting in their own way is fun! (it doesn't sound evil, does it? :D)

What else?

I already done some break-fasting together (and also team buildings!!!). There are JGTC, FEUI Cup, and NFF that already passed. OH, and also my high-school break-fasting PLUS reunion! And some other small break-fasting with some friends. This is why I love Ramadhan soooo soooooo much, this month is a month full of reunion and togetherness. I almost didn't believe that it is already 17 days!! Time flies too fast, rite?

Well I think that's a wrap. Good morning guys, have a nice day! May all your businesses today run smoothly, cheers! 

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

First choice

Everybody needs to be someone's first choice. I tweeted this several days ago. And yes, it explains all my feeling rightly.

This is why I love my highschool friends so much cause every time they comeback from their far away college, I know that I will be the first person they want to meet up to. I know and feel that I'm their first choice, even though they never every said so (it would be very awkward actually, and I will laugh till die if they tell it :'D)

But on the other hand, I don't feel like I am a first choice for lets say Mr. X though he always told me so. Action speaks louder than words they said. And his act, even it is sweet sometimes, is not enough to prove what he said. And unfortunately, I am a nobody for him so I have no permission to ask him to do so. Is my explanation is hard to get? Ha-ha-ha I'm mumbling again..........

Well, see you later alligator ;)