Sunday, October 12, 2014


  1. I'm the second daughter of my parents, I have three sisters - one older sister, and two younger sisters which are twins! I love my family so much, they are the best mom, dad, and sisters that God could ever sent to me. I'm actually a family-person by heart, but I just can never show my feelings to them - which leads to the #fact number two!
  2. Maybe no one realizes this, but I'm pretty much an introvert who strives to be an extrovert for my whole life. That's why I'm having a super hard time showing my feelings to people, even to my closest ones. I'm having a love-hate relationship with new people, because I really hate to introduce myself and start talking nonsense; but at the same time, I always feel exhilarated and thrilled to do that. Even though I'm not so good at meeting new people, once I become acquainted with them, they have to prepare their ears to listen to me all day long.
  3. I always love to do things by myself. I love to shop alone, watch a movie alone (as long as it's not a horror movie), travel alone, go to a hair salon/massage alone, or just sit somewhere and see how the world works around me... alone. I don't know why, but by nature, being alone is just my comfort zone. I will never feel lonely when I'm alone, while sometimes (just sometimes!) I feel lonely when I'm with people.
  4. But the thing is, I love people! Just because I love to do things by my own, doesn't mean that I'm such a loner and I hate people and I'm such a dark gloomy kind of person. In fact, I'm pretty sure my friends think that I'm such an extrovert who loves to be surrounded by people. Which I do. I love to spend my time with my friends; just hanging out in new cafes or restaurants we haven't been to or just go to someone's house and talk about random things. Either way, I always love it. 
  5. I love to do and figure out something new. This leads to my all time favorite thing to do: travel! I will not refer myself as a traveler (which I'm not) because I don't do travel that often (because of budget and time constraint). But if I have all the time and money in the world, I would definitely do it as much as I can!
  6. I always have a thing with volunteering. Which is odd because I never actually do it. Deep inside, I always find the hunger of helping others and share some happiness that I have. I actually already searched opportunities to volunteer, but I don't know why I always ended up didn't do it. Well I know why. At first, I'm so busy with things that I shouldn't be busy with (like conducting events in my university and stuffs). Then when all those not-so-important things had done, I start being busy with the things I should be busy with (family, college, etc.). After all, procrastinating is the reason why.
  7. I'm afraid of heights. I don't know why, but as long as I can remember, I'm always afraid of heights. It's so severe that I even find it scary to be in the upper berth of bed, looking down when I'm only at the 2nd floor of a mall, or to just stand on a chair. I don't know why, maybe I'm just afraid of falling.
  8. My biggest dream in life is to own an orphanage and a school. This two things just combined two of my favorite things in life: volunteer and kids. I'm going to make a high-quality school for free, for kids who didn't have any pennies for education yet struggles to have one. I hate how people give children schools for free, but they didn't maintain the quality at all. It's like giving someone something to eat, but didn't allow them to drink.
  9. I'm a big believer of love requires sacrifice and some work. You will never, ever, find someone who clicks with you in every single aspect. But you will find someone who would love to figure things out together with you, compromise, and try to make everything work out.
  10. I sneeze like a cat. I have those small sneezes with a minimum of 5 times every time I sneezes. I used to have those big relieving sneezes, but then my stomach will hurts and my nose will sore. So eventually, those big relieving sneezes turn to be a 5 times small silent sneezes.
  11. I didn't really know what I wanted to do for a living - work-wise. I like economics because it's logical and it simply make sense. But I never find myself willingly searched the web for research papers and read it without an order. I didn't find it hard, though. I didn't really enjoy reading those papers and literatures, but no, I don't hate it. And I still do it quite often! And this leads to the #fact number 12.
  12. I was not born a rebel. I do what people asks me to do, whether I like it or not. I think it's a part of my eastern culture where people find it offensive when you bluntly express your actual feelings. But the thing is, I didn't have a hard time doing things that I didn't fond of. Well, I never actually have a hard time doing anything. Up to now, I never really work on something really hard that I push myself to my limit. Without any intentions of being cocky, I actually find everything to be so easy to get. That's why I start to question myself, whether I already set a high enough goals and expectations for myself. Well I guess the answer is.... no, I haven't.
  13. I never believe in love at the first sight, but I do believe in hate at the first sight. Every time I met someone, I start to analyze and voilà! I will immediately make a conclusion whether I'm going to like this person or not. Of course after knowing them, there is a possibility that somehow I soften my views. Maybe they are not as bad as I thought, or on the other hand, maybe they are not as good as I thought. But there is also a possibility that my first analysis is right, and knowing them more just deepen my interpretation even more. And most of time, my first analysis is right. Because I think it's not just about the appearance and stuffs, I believe that it's also a mixture of your instincts and signs from the universe.
  14. I love to read so much! I didn't refer myself as a bookworm, because I know there's a lot more people who read so much more than me. But yes, if I had some free time, book is the first thing I will run into. I didn't read all kind of books (which proved that I'm not a bookworm even more), I mostly read fiction and science fiction. I prefer reading than watching movies, because I think that movies limit my imagination. They already provide everything for you: the pictures, musics, dialogues, gestures; and the only room for you to imagine is the prologue and epilogue. Which is not good.
  15. Before I go to sleep, most of time (if I'm not too tired that I'd passed away right after touching the bed) I will imagine what I'm going to be 1, 5, 10, 50 years from now - depending on my mood. Sometimes my imagination will be wild and unrealistic, but sometimes I will make a very good story that I would really love it to come true. 
  16. I am not an ambitious girl, but I do hate it when someone (especially when I didn't really like them) is better than me and will do something to prove them (and myself) that I'm better. This is a part of my selfishness that I keep to myself, and I believe that no one knows about it up to now. And, as a matter of fact I hate it when people show their ambitiousness. I mean, you could go get gold for a hundred competition or attend hundreds of conferences all around the world, but I will never have any respect for you if you post all your achievements in all of your social media. No one needs to know that at 10:00 you are making a paper, at 13:00 you are in the middle of a business meeting with someone important, at 15:00 you are meeting a Professor to check your paper, at 17:00 you are attending a technical meeting for a competition, at 20:00 you are practicing for your debate competition, at 22:00......... get it? There you go.
  17. I always want to marry in a young age. I want to raise my children when I'm still young, strong, and healthy. I want to be more like a friend to my kids, not just a mother that they have respect to and period. I want them to have me as their best friend, to not be afraid of telling the most taboo things, to be able to communicate with me as a grown up. I want them to love me as a mom, a friend, a teacher, and everything possible.
  18. I always try to be that toughest-independent-strong-happy girl in my peers. I want them to think that I'm strong, that I can handle every obstacles in my life, that I'm always happy no matter what. That's probably another reason why I never really share it to people when I feel sad or mad. That's also the reason why I always have a big dependency to my partner, I will rely on him in most everything. I couldn't cry or show my weakness in front of my friends, thus the only choice that I have is to show it to him. And that would make me look a bit pampered to whoever my boyfriend is.
  19. Lately, I just can't tolerate foolishness.
  20. People with ideology, goals, and visions never fails to astonish me. I love to see the sparkles in someone's eyes when they talk about their long-term goals, what they wanted to be, what their passions are, and what they had done in life. If you wanted to amaze me, never ever even think about saying how much you earned, how many cars you owned, how many branded names you memorize, how many galas you are invited to, how you smoke weeds three times a day, how you take five shots and still didn't get drunk. To startled me, just talk about life, how you wanted it to be, how you strives to work on you passion, how you cry when you see people in need, how you try so many times but still fails. I love too see sparkles in people's eyes, it's the thing that proves you're living, not just alive.
So, here's the #20factsaboutme! Shoot, that was long..... Told you I love to talk!


Unknown said...

I never knew that you have a blog, Ut.

Putri Amalina said...

Maybe you just don't know much about me. Kidding :)

Unknown said...

Aku baru sadar kamu mau punya sekolah, mungkin seharusnya kita berdua dari awal fokus ke social projects ya Ut. Pasti seru buat sekolah untuk anak jalanan bareng kamu. Btw, may your 17th fact be comin true, dengan seseorang yang benar-benar sayang sama kamu, walaupun pada akhirnya bukan sama aku. :)