I realised that the truly powerful do not need to put their power on display at all times.
"For a great sultan who is lord and ruler of all that he surveys, his English is lamentably poor. He can't even spell England properly."
Still holding the note, Mr. Ascham looked up at me. "Is that so? Tell me, Bess, do you speak his language? Any Arabic or Turkish-Arabic?"
"You know that I do not."
"Then however lamentable his English may be, he still speaks your language while you cannot speak his. To me, this gives him a considerable advantage over you. Always pause before you criticise, and never unduly criticise one who has made an effort at something you yourself have not even attempted."
If aggression meets empty space it tends to defeat itself.
If aggression meets empty space it tends to defeat itself.
Every nation thinks their own culture is the pinnacle of civilisation and that all other cultures are primitive and barbarous. It is sad but natural prejudice of the human mind. This is why one must travel as much as one can. Travel is the finest form of education.
Cleverness is not the exclusive domain of the wealthy and the cultured, Bess. Don't confuse someone's outward appearance with their inner acumen; just because a man is well spoken and well tailored does not mean he has a brain. Incidentally, and with respect, this is an error I believe your father makes at court regularly and one you would do well to avoid should you ever sit on the throne. Employ competent people: the state of their mind matters far more than the state of their clothes.
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